On Tue, 07 May 2019 21:20:57 +0000
Christopher Pinon <cjpi...@secondfloor.xyz> wrote:

> For a small, reliable UK-based provider (who offer both web hosting
> and VPSes), I can recommend https://inceptionhosting.com/ . I
> currently run a small NetBSD VPS with them.
> C.

Hi, thanks for the link. This is one of their low-end VPS offerings:

2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
1024 MB Ram
10 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
1000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
1 x IPv4 address
1 x /64 IPv6
Full daily backup

Price is 2.50EUR per month and no setup fees, which sounds rather cheap.
Last time I looked into web hosting was about 15 years ago, so maybe
prices have come down this much. For such a small price, do they really
offer a reasonable service, or is there something I'm not aware of?

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