Niels Dettenbach (Syndicat IT & Internet) <> wrote:

> if runned with typical, "well" dimensioned and configured business server 
> hardware (i.e. HP DL or IBM etc. - what many think about if they think 
> "servers") on top IP uplink with skilled support personal without any 
> possible restrictions such prices are not to held. But the very most of such 
> products have "bottlenecks" otherwhere (compared to "less cheap" products) 
> and/or are driven on much cheaper PC hardware (what could makes sense in some 
> apps). Another option / version are "hidden" costs in pratical usage.
> I.e. "shared CPU" could mean everything and could act as a bottleneck if 
> "required" from hosters side (if you are getting "to expa|ensive").
> Usually first customers are happy as they get the most resources at their 
> time - and these are most important from a marketing view...
> This doesnt mean that such products did not have any applications with any 
> sense - but you have to be very clear about (if you rely on that service / 
> resources in any way).
> just my two cents...

I've taken a look at your site: I would classify you among the premium
providers. :-)

I would agree that one has to be cautious with respect to lower-cost
providers: it helps to inquire about them and to look for
recommendations. There have been many lower-cost providers that have
deadpooled within a couple of years of their launch.

This said, there are a number of reliable, lower-cost providers out
there if one wants to save some money.


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