On 09/05/2019 08:44, Mayuresh wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2019 at 09:20:57PM +0000, Christopher Pinon wrote:
>> Someone has already mentioned Vultr (who offer KVM VPSes), which is a
>> good choice. I've run a small NetBSD VPS at Vultr in the past.

The idea of cheap VPS'es that offer KVM access is new to me.  This is
welcome news.

> Has anyone tried hetzner[1]?
> It seems KVM, so possibly NetBSD should work.

You need a dedicated server for this.

> The plans look good 2GB/20GB/20TB/1vCPU for Euro 2.49.

I had one of these and inquired about KVM access.  It is not currently

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