Simon Barber wrote:
I disagree that the master device is a hack - I also disagree that we
should use 802.11 format frames anywhere but internally inside the
802.11 stack. The 802.11 specification does not use 802.11 format frames
to communicate with the upper layers - it uses almost exactly the same
interface as 802.3 ethernet does. This is a 2 address interface. I

The 802.11 specification doesn't communicate with any layer :) The Linux kernel code in question does that.

In Linux it is generally bad form to emulate something (802.3 ethernet, in this case). Overhead increases, performance decreases, and there are inevitably emulation bugs.

802.11 /is not ethernet/, and you are already breaking assumptions by pretending that it is.

It is normal to have a single interface to represent the physical
hardware network interface. This is exactly the pattern that many other
physical network devices use. Things like sniffing should go on on this
physical interface - and the changes that johannes proposes are exactly
the right things to enable this.

Sure... when it behaves like a normal interface. Stuff like "TX goes through the interface, but not RX" is definitely /not/ normal.


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