On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Balazs Scheidler wrote:

> I'd like to make tproxies easier to administer, so I'm thinking about a
> simple way of matching tproxied packets, which can be ACCEPTed from the
> INPUT chain.
> Possible solutions:
> * use a new state (called TPROXY), which would be applied to all TPROXYed
>   packets (might interact badly with nat/conntrack).
> * have the tproxy framework mark all packets with an fwmark, and let the
>   packets in based on the value of fwmark
> * have a separate match (called tproxy), which matches tproxied sessions
>   based on some value stored in the associated conntrack entry
> which one do you prefer?

The latter seems to me the best solution.

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