Hi netmod folks,

Prior to the Prague IETF, Anees, Marcus and I took some time to update draft-openconfig-netmod-opstate. The intent of this update was two-fold:

 * to provide clarifications of the types of data that we consider to
   exist within a YANG module. This very much reflects the discussions
   that we had both on the interim meeting calls, and subsequently on
   the list. We aimed to document the terms 'intended configuration',
   'applied configuration' and 'derived state', and record the
   relationship between them that we'd iterated on.
     o This is contained in Section 2. We would encourage interested
       parties to review these definitions to ensure that the common
       understanding that we reached has been documented.

 * add some clarifications to the requirements based on alternative
   suggestions that had been briefly mentioned during the interims.
   Particularly, it is worth mentioning:
     o Section 4.5: we added some clarification about paths within some
       of the NMS systems that we are working on.
     o Section 7: which is dedicated to covering some of the
       observations that have been made relating to the proposed
       solution. We (the authors) have tried to provide some feedback
       to some of these points (where it has been possible to do so).

The diff for this revision can be found at https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-openconfig-netmod-opstate-01.txt - Appendix D provides a brief changelog.

Kind regards,

netmod mailing list

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