Randy Presuhn <randy_pres...@mindspring.com> writes:

> Hi -
> It is with no little amusement that I watch this thread struggling
> with questions that were solved fairly neatly a quarter century ago
> in GDMO/CMIP-land.  I'm *not* suggesting we go back there, but would
> like to offer an observation about modeling that might help.
> The organization of instance data in SNMP is a direct mirror of
> the "object" definitions.  Simple at first, but quickly becoming
> baroque as various minds of "multiplexing" are added to compensate
> for post hoc deficiencies in the index structures.
> Life is such that once a resource has been modeled, it will be
> used/re-used/embedded in systems in ways in which its designers
> couldn't be expected to imagine.  A consequence of this is that
> if instance naming is completely locked down when the management
> interface for a resource is first defined (as it is in SNMP) then
> all sorts of peculiar hacks will be needed to deal with, for example,
> virtual routers.  Unfortunately, an SNMP/SMI-like mindset is so
> pervasive that folks seem to overlook that there are other ways
> to deal with this situation.
> What GDMO did was to use a separate "NAME BINDING" construct to
> specify contexts in which instances might show up, allowing
> instances to be put in places that weren't even imagined when
> the original class definition was written.  Name bindings could
> be standardized, or be vendor or even product-specific, allowing
> the simplicity or complexity of a given system's instance tree
> to reflect the actual simplicity or complexity of that system,
> rather than requiring all systems to be structured for the
> worst case.

How could this be expressed in YANG terms? (I tried to figure it out
myself but I unfortunately couldn't make any sense of sec. 8.6 in CCITT
Recommendation X.722).

Thanks, Lada

> Yes, separating the specification of instance naming in large part
> from class definition does have implications for how one does access
> control, and how clients figure out how to ask a server to create
> something, but it's not a huge deal - it's just not like VACM, and a
> whole slew of hacky solutions and "wierd plumbing adapters" (to borrow
> from Jeff Case) just go away.  Strangely, it makes the job of the
> initial modeler and of the eventual user much easier.
> Randy
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