
Thanks for the response - see below.

I think the additions of 'mounts' that are themselves configurable (with
support for local and recursion/cascades) is a really interesting and
may turn out to be very useful/important.  Although it does add its own

That said, there are some specifics that will need to be addressed to
use this approach: e.g. to quote:
        Mounted data is "read-only" data.
        YANG-Mount does not extend towards RPCs that are defined as
           part of YANG modules whose contents is being mounted.
        YANG-Mount does not extend towards notifications.
Perhaps most of these limitations can be relaxed for local mounts.

Also handling when a device/server doesn't support local mounts (or is

On 8/28/2015 6:16 PM, Alexander Clemm (alex) wrote:
> Hi Lou,
> Andy basically already provided the answer, but just to add to your
> question: yes, there is an example in the draft (appendix A). 

Actually, I was looking for an example on the server/device.  I do like
your example though, as it shows *exactly* the case of a sibling of
/device (i.e, topologies).



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