Andy Bierman <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Lou Berger <> wrote:
> > Can one of you give an example of how this word work for a device (which
> > may be physical or virtual) that allocates done resources, say interfaces
> > to one logical entity (router, system, etc) and other resources to a second
> > entity? And of course I want to manage all with yang and the first and
> > second (sub) entity must be completely independent and ignorant of each
> > other.


> The logical system knows only about itself:
>     /interfaces
>     /system

This is important.

> The / node is represented by <config> or <data> or <filter> in the protocol.
>    <get-config>
>        <source><running/></source>
>        <filter>
>          <interfaces />
>          <system />
>       </filter>
>    </getconfig>
> Each logical system can have its own "eth0" interface or whatever.
> They are mapped to real interfaces in the physical system.
> All operations on the logical system are validated against its own
> virtual datastore.  YANG validation does not work on individual array
> slices -- it only applies to an entire datastore.


> On the physical server there needs to be a data model to manage the
> logical servers (as Martin suggested).
>  <config>             <--- root on PHY server
>    <interfaces  />   <--------------- contains the real interfaces,
> including eth23
>    <virtual-servers>
>       <virtual-server>
>          <name>vs1</name>
>          <itf-map>
>              <real-itf>eth23</real-itf>
>              <vir-itf>eth0</vir-itf>
>          <itf-map>
>          <more-virtual-server-params ... />
>          <root>                   <----------- YANG mount point (virtual
> server root)
>             <interfaces>
>                <interface>
>                   <name>eth0</name>
>                     ...
>                </interface>
>             </interfaces>
>             <system ... />
>          </root>
>        </virtual-server>
>     </virtual-servers>
>   </config>

I like this, but I would actually not use mount here.  I don't think
it is necessary.  This would be a model for devices that support
multiple 'virtual-servers' / 'logical-network-elements'.  So in this
model you configure these logical-network-elements and allocate
resources like interfaces etc to them.  For true virtual servers,
you'd also configure the NETCONF server and authentication params,
meaning that each such virtual server has its own config, which is
completely separate from the others.  In this architecture, it would
not be correct to mount all the models in the virtual server list.


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