On 10/07/2015 07:37 PM, Kent Watsen wrote:

This is a notice to start a NETMOD WG last call for the document:

Defining and Using Metadata with YANG

I have read the document, and coming in without the previous discussions, md:annotation instances feel like aspects (from aspect-oriented programming) being attached to pre-defined models to address a cross-cutting concern. Unfortunately it seems it lacks an equivalent of pointcut specification, e.g. a machine-readable definition where/when a particular annotation is valid.

This makes annotations disconnected from the YANG metamodel, which is not desirable for systems strictly based on the metamodel, as each instance of an annotation will require hand-written code.

My question is whether it would make sense to define some sort of (optional) pointcut specification to be carried within the md:annotation statement (such as an explicit list of data nodes, or a 'when' statement or similar)?

That would allow us to bind some/most md:annotation instances automagically to the metamodel, reducing the need to hand-code their semantics.

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