Hi Martin,

On 19/10/2015 12:06, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:

On 16/10/2015 22:32, Kent Watsen wrote:
Will there ever be a server that operates in synchronous mode, given
that applied will not match intended if hardware is missing?

Will a client ever use "block" mode if it means that it might hang
forever (or at least until some hw is plugged in)?
I think the key is in the phrase "The server MUST fully *attempt* to
So today we have this situation:

    intended                                         operational
     config                                             values
       (time ->)

When the edit-config returns, running (intended) has been updated, and
the operational state may or may not have been updated.  Internally to
the system, there may be a chain of things that need to happen before
the intended config has been pushed out to all software/hardware

The NMS/operator writes to intended config, ang verifies by checking
the operational state.

With applied config we have this situation:

    intended                       applied           operational
     config                         config              values

In some cases, the applied config is an approximation of the
operational values (if e.g., a single config leaf is used by two
different components), and in other cases the applied config is just
one of the internal stages the config value flows through before
reaching the end component.

With async/sync systems we now have:

    intended            applied     applied           operational
     config              config     config              values
                    this is when "block"
                    would return

To me it seems we're exposing another internal state to the
NMS/operator.  But in reality nothing has changed from the first
picture - the NMS/operator still needs to check the operational values
in order to know that the system behaves as it should.
I see it slightly differently.

I think that "attempted applied config" is effectively the same time point as "applied config" above. As in the server has attempted to apply all the configuration and for every it has either succeed, failed, or can't be applied because the hardware isn't present.

So using your time line above:
1. If you have an async config operation then the server returns at time "intended config". 2. If you have a sync (blocking) config operation then the server returns at time "applied config". 3. If you have an existing netconf config operation that is neither explicitly sync nor async then the server may return at any time between "intended config" and "applied config".



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