
Here are a couple of questions from the Broadband Forum on RFC 6020bis-08 and 



1. RFC 6020bis and updating modules

6020bis Section 11 (Updating a Module) lists all the ways in which a definition 
can be revised, but it's not clear whether this is intended to be an exhaustive 
list or just to illustrate the principle of allowing the value space to be 
broadened. If the latter then presumably other changes that adhere to this 
principle would also be valid.

For example, it seems that the following might also be permitted:

a. Extending a "when" statement so it is true for a wider set of conditions 
(example: realising that an RFC 7223 interface object applies to additional 
interface types).

b. Re-writing a "when" statement to use a base identity rather than an explicit 
list of identities (with no change to the conditions for which it is true).

c. Converting a leaf node to a choice (with no change to default behaviour).

2. ietf-yang-library and reporting submodules

As we understand them, submodules have no impact on a module's external 
interface, and (6020 Section 11) "A module may be split into a set of 
submodules, or a submodule may be removed, provided the definitions in the 
module do not change in any other way than allowed here".

draft-ietf-netconf-yang-library-02 says (Section 1) "submodule list: The name 
and revision of each submodule used by the module MUST be identified" but the 
YANG module's "submodules" container appears not to be mandatory.

Is it intended that the submodules MUST be listed? If so, what is the rationale 
for requiring this?
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