Thanks for the clarifications. A few follow-ups below. Cheers, W.

>> a. Extending a "when" statement so it is true for a wider set of
>> conditions (example: realising that an RFC 7223 interface object
>> applies to additional interface types).
> This is allowed by:
>  o  A "when" statement may be removed or its constraint relaxed.

OK. I see this for "must" but not for "when"; in 08 I can find only one 
instance of "relax".

>> c. Converting a leaf node to a choice (with no change to default
>> behaviour).
> This is not allowed, but maybe it should.  I.e., it should be ok to
> wrap a node that is not a mandatory node (see terminology) in a choice
> (+ case).

OK. Maybe this already happened but perhaps it would be worth checking whether 
there are any other cases that could/should be included (given that the list is 

> A container cannot be mandatory.

OK! I should have phrased it more loosely. But you answered the basic question, 
which was whether listing the submodules is REQUIRED. Yes it is.

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