On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I think the current operations need to continue to work.
> With the current <edit-config> or <commit> the client does
> not know if the server applied the config or just accepted the request.
> With the new solution, I expect that a client that does not explicitly ask
> for "wait until applied" will get the old (unspecified) behavior.
> Andy
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> Thanks for resending and apologies for missing it earlier.
>> Your requirement is a bit too strong for my liking.
>> To paraphrase your requirement text, it is forcing that all compliant
>> NETCONF/RESTCONF servers MUST support any clients that do not want to
>> differentiate between intended config and applied config.
>> However, this requires all opstate aware servers:
>>  - To handle a mix of clients, some of which are opstate aware, and some
>> that are not.
>>  - To potentially handle a mix of requests, some of which are opstate
>> aware requests, and some are not.

This is simple to achieve by adding optional parameters that a new client
will set
and an old client will not know about.

> It also prevents:
>>  - Having a server that is implemented to only support opstate aware
>> clients.
>>  - Having a server side configuration knob to control the behaviour
>> (since it would affect the semantics for all clients).

Not true, since the current RFC behavior is undefined.
A server vendor can choose right now to only return <rpc-reply> after
all intended is applied.

The new feature will be that a client can explicitly request this behavior
and a compliant server will support it.  If the client does not request it,
there is a chance that operations will time out that did not use to time
This will be very visible and disruptive to operators, and perceived as a

>> Personally, I think that the best solutions will likely meet your
>> proposed requirement below, but I don't agree that it should be mandated,
>> even though I agree that it is something that the solution should aim for.
>> Changing the MUST to SHOULD would make the requirement fine with me ...
>> Finally, regarding your example below, I didn't think that the existing
>> NETCONF protocol semantics specify exactly when the server is required to
>> respond to the client, and hence blocking the client until the
>> configuration has been applied would be a valid edit-config implementation
>> under the existing NETCONF specification.

Yes it would be valid, but it might generate unhappy customers with broken
client applications just the same.

>> Thanks,
>> Rob


>> On 17/12/2015 18:26, Andy Bierman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I already did that:
>>  All existing protocol
>>> functionality for NETCONF and RESTCONF MUST continue to work
>>> for clients which do not choose to examine the differences between
>>> intended config and applied config.
>> Another way to put it:
>>   The client MUST choose to participate (opt-in).
>> An example of a solution that meets this requirement
>>   - The client adds a <wait-until-applied /> flag to an edit-config
>> request
>> which causes the server to wait until the edit is applied before
>> returning <rpc-reply>.
>> This requires the server to opt-in for the wait, and it is not forced on
>> the client.
>> Andy
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> Please can you state the specific text that is being proposed to be
>>> added as a new requirement?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob
>>> On 17/12/2015 17:33, Andy Bierman wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am not commenting on the solution proposals.
>>> The document being discussed is the requirements document.
>>> I agree with Juergen that backward compatibility needs to be an
>>> explicit requirement.  Are you objecting to such a requirement?
>>> Andy
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Robert Wilton < <rwil...@cisco.com>
>>> rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> Please can you let me know whether you think that any of the three
>>>> proposed solutions wouldn't meet this backwards compatibility requirement?
>>>> draft-kwatsen-netmod-opstate-00 has some features that might be
>>>> generally useful to NETCONF, like adding <get-state> support as defined in
>>>> section 5.1, that I would expect could just be added to a future version of
>>>> NETCONF.  Would a requirement that the solution is backwards compatible
>>>> with existing implementations require that support for <get-state> must
>>>> always be optional?  Or could a new version of the NETCONF protocol require
>>>> that support for <get-state> is required?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 17/12/2015 16:06, Andy Bierman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I agree with Juergen that this should be clear.
>>>> It was discussed several times.  All existing protocol
>>>> functionality for NETCONF and RESTCONF MUST continue to work
>>>> for clients which do not choose to examine the differences between
>>>> intended config and applied config.
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Kent Watsen < <kwat...@juniper.net>
>>>> kwat...@juniper.net> wrote:
>>>>> >>>I’m struggling a bit to understand what is motivating you to ask
>>>>> this question.    That is, as a tool vendor, I wouldn’t think that any
>>>>> decision made here would affect you immediately.   My expectations are 
>>>>> that
>>>>> any impact to YANG/NETCONF/RESTCONF would be backwards compatible, such
>>>>> that implementations would only opt-in when needed - a pay as you grow
>>>>> strategy.   But herein perhaps lies an unstated requirement, that the
>>>>> impact to YANG/NETCONF/RESTCONF needs to be backwards compatible with
>>>>> respect to existing deployments.  Did we miss it or is it too obvious?
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> It may be obvious for many of us but for the sake of completeness I
>>>>> >> prefer to have this backwards compatibility assumption explicitely
>>>>> >> stated.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >+1
>>>>> [as a chair]
>>>>> As last call comment, there seems to be support for adding a
>>>>> requirement to the opstate-reqs draft to state that solutions supporting
>>>>> said requirements MUST be backwards compatible with respect to existing
>>>>> deployments.  Do we have WG consensus to add this as a requirement to this
>>>>> draft?  Are there any objections? Please voice your opinion before the 
>>>>> last
>>>>> call cutoff date (Dec 30).
>>>>> [as a contributor]
>>>>> I’m unsure if it makes sense to call it out in this draft, in that it
>>>>> seems universally applicable, but I don’t see any harm in it either and
>>>>> thus do not object.
>>>>> Kent
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