Hi Lou, 

>>>I know that this is a difference between the solutions, but I don’t see it 
>>>listed as a requirement.  There is a requirement to return the diff, but 
>>>that’s all.  Is there actually a need to return both sets of data?  - or is 
>>>this just a desire for the diff to be able to return both (as oppose to the 
>What I see is from draft-ietf-netmod-opstate-reqs
>       C.  Be able to retrieve both the applied configuration and
>           derived state aspects of operational state together

Maybe I’m turned around, but I thought this was about returning both intended 
and applied configurations together at the same time, which I didn’t know was a 
requirement.   Certainly returning applied config + derived state (e.g., all op 
state) is a requirement, as you cite above.

>I see the original OpenConfig doc/approach as supporting this (returning
>both sets) but not stating this as an explicit requirement.  I do think
>I've heard such usage in discussions too.

Yes, actually, they returned all three sets of data (intended config, applied 
config, and derived state)

>>  Just wondering if this is a must-have or a nice-to-have.
>I think this is one for Anees/Rob...

It would be good to get that clarification.   I wonder if it might be 
considered  errata  ;)


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