On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 7:15 PM, Dale R. Worley <wor...@ariadne.com> wrote:

> William Lupton <wlup...@broadband-forum.org> writes:
> > Regardless of the discussion about “published”, other organisations
> > may be planning to use YANG modules that are currently within
> > IDs. Obviously it’s vastly preferable if such IDs become RFCs before
> > these other organisations publish any specifications or data models
> > that use such draft IETF YANG, but it might occasionally be necessary
> > to reference a draft model (hopefully one that has already been sent
> > for AD review) in a published standard. This is why I would like the
> > clarification to cover IDs (at least WG-adopted ones)!
> Unfortunately, this sort of problem has to be considered.  I remember
> when the "SIP multiple line appearances" draft was being worked on.
> Ultimately, there were products on the market that supported the -03
> version, the -04 version, and the final (RFC) version.
> My suggestion is that any time a version of a module is "published", it
> must either be identical to the previous "published" version, or have a
> newer revision date.  As far as I can see, the *practical* meaning of
> "published" is a document that has a permanent URL, because you can't
> convince a customer that a document is a "specification" if it doesn't
> have a stable URL.  For Internet Drafts, that seems to mean each
> numbered version entered into the Data Tracker.

The current text says the revision date MUST be updated
if the YANG module changed at all.  Seems clear to me.

I think I will add a reference to RFC 2026, sec. 2.2
to use the term  "published" specification

An Internet-Draft is NOT a means of "publishing" a specification;


> But there is a further problem:  A sequence of versions of a module with
> different revision dates are required to be related by the rules of
> section 11 of RFC 6020 (or draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis), i.e., each
> newer version is a proper extension of the older version(s).  Clearly,
> we *don't* want to have that constraint between versions of modules in a
> sequence of I-Ds, we want to be able to delete elements.
> Dale
> ___________


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