
[Copying NETMOD, but suggest all discussions are held on OPSAWG list]

We updated our document to (hopefully) make some stuff clearer...

- We are not trying to piss on draft-ietf-netmod-yang-model-classification!
   Actually, that is an important reference, but its approach is slightly 
   different. We have beefed up our discussion of the relationship with that
   draft. Our belief is that the two drafts are complementary and that our
   work should not delay the completion of the NETMOD draft.

- The distinction between a "service model" and a "service model" (sic) has
   become unclear. We have introduced the terms "customer service model"
   and "service delivery model", explained what these are, and shown mappings
   of other work to these terms. We would propose, if these terms are clear 
   and acceptable, that new work adopt these terms, but we do not suggest
   that it is necessary to go and change existing mature work.

- There was some discussion around "what do you mean by a service?" We
   have tried to tidy our text about this, but could probably use help.

As always, comments, rotten fruit, and constructive input would be welcome.

Adrian (for the authors)
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> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>         Title           : Service Models Explained
> Abstract:
>    The IETF has produced a considerable number of data models in the
>    YANG modelling language.  The majority of these are used to model
>    devices and they allow access for configuration and to read
>    operational status.
>    A small number of YANG models are used to model services (for
>    example, the Layer Three Virtual Private Network Service Model
>    produced by the L3SM working group).
>    This document briefly sets out the scope of and purpose of an IETF
>    service model, and it shows where a service model might fit into a
>    Software Defined Networking architecture or deployment.
> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wu-opsawg-service-model-explained/

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