        These comments are based on my Shepherd review of this document and
should be addressed as part of addressing any LC comments:

1) Considering the recent discussion on Library made me consider the
general case of a module that is composed entirely of operational state.
 I think this case is subject to interpretation and therefore needs to
be explicitly covered.  For example section 5.3 states:

   The datastore schema for <operational> MUST be a superset of the
   combined datastore schema used in all configuration datastores except
   that YANG nodes supported in a configuration datastore MAY be omitted
   from <operational> if a server is not able to accurately report them.

This could be read that a module that an operational state MUST be
present (but presumably empty>?) in some other DS to be present in
operational.  I don't believe this is your intent, but it should be
explicitly covered for the benefit of future readers.  I suspect that
this also should translate to an explicit case in section 6.1 as well.

2) The abstract needs to mention that it updates RFC7950 (per idnits)

3) A minor point, the document uses the terms boot and reboot.  I
suspect that these terms are intended to cover any full or partial,
e.g., protocol, restart operation supported on a system - which may not
include a full boot.  I think the document needs to be clear on this
point.  Perhaps just add a definition, or note that full and partial
restart operations are included when the document refers to boot and reboot.

Thank you,
(As Shepherd)

On 12/04/2017 09:35 AM, Lou Berger wrote:
> All,
> This starts a second working group last call on
> draft-ietf-netmod-revised-datastores.
> As this is a 2nd LC that is focused on changes since the last LC, it closes 
> in *one* week. The working group last call ends on December 11. Please send 
> your comments to the netmod mailing list.
> At this point, we're most interested in verifying that previous comments are 
> addressed since the last call on the -04 rev of the draft was held.
> A summary of changes can be found at 
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/netmod/DWtD12bGkBZabEygRfiwZfcnUU4
> A diff can be found at 
> https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?difftype=--hwdiff&url1=draft-ietf-netmod-revised-datastores-04.txt&url2=draft-ietf-netmod-revised-datastores-07.txt
> Comments along the of: I have reviewed this version of the document and it 
> addresses my previous comments would be particularly helpful.
> Thank you,
> Netmod Chairs
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