Hi Acee,

Are you checking https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mpls-base-yang-14?
If so, Figure 2 shows the module is augmenting IPv4/IPv6 AFI with MPLS for 
paths - check the paths
augment /rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route:

You'll notice the MPLS augmentation above is applicable for all RIB types 
(including IPv4/IPv6 and the new AFI introduced by this module). The MPLS 
augmentation for IPv4/IPv6 RIBs are specific to IP prefixes that are MPLS 
You'll also notice draft-ietf-mpls-base-yang is defining a new RIB 
address-family for MPLS as per section 3 in RFC8349 (search for "identity mpls" 
in YANG module).
The new MPLS RIB address-family is meant for "non IP" MPLS routes (e.g. MPLS 
routes installed by RSVP on transit nodes, cross-connects, etc.).

Given the above, can you take another look and let us know?


On 8/10/20, 4:39 PM, "Acee Lindem (acee)" <a...@cisco.com> wrote:

    [External Email. Be cautious of content]

    Hi Tarek,

    In that case, there is more wrong than just the RPC since you haven't 
augmented ietf-routing.yang properly to define an MPLS-specific RIB. 
Furthermore, I don't think you should. We need the optional MPLS augmentations 
for the IPv4 and IPv6 address families as these are what one would need in for 
a IPv4 or IPv6 RIB for a device that supports MPLS.

    Your augmentation to the active-route RPC needs to just be removed.


    On 8/10/20, 4:24 PM, "Tarek Saad" <ts...@juniper.net> wrote:

        Hi Acee,

        The existing RPC is used to query (defined AFIs=IPv4/IPv6) RIB to 
return the matching active route identified by a "destination address".
        The MPLS module is trying to reuse this RPC so to query the MPLS RIB to 
return the matching active route identified by a "local label".
        The RPC defined in RFC 8349 readily accepts MPLS AFI in it 
(/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:active-route) - unless we augment and suppress 
it with a "when check".
        IMO, it is reusable as-is but the text below is limiting the leaf name 
that identifies an entry in RIB to "destination-address" only - in MPLS RIB the 
entry leaf name that identifies an entry is "local-label".

                >            action active-route {
                >              description
                >                "Return the active RIB route that is used for 
                >                 destination address.
                >                 Address-family-specific modules MUST augment 
                >                 parameters with a leaf named 


        On 8/10/20, 3:27 PM, "Acee Lindem (acee)" <a...@cisco.com> wrote:

            [External Email. Be cautious of content]

            All (Speaking as an author of RFC 8349),
            I just looked at this in more detail and I don't think the 
ietf-mpls.yang model should be augmenting the 
/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:active-route RPC. The intent of the RPC is to 
return the address-family specific active-route corresponding to the 
destination-address. This model attempts to overload this RPC with a different 
action all together - returning a route that has the local-label as an optional 
attribute. I'd reject the Errata and believe the augmentation should be removed 
from ietf-mpl.yang. Whether it is replaced with a different one is up to the 
co-authors of ietf-mpls.yang.

            On 8/10/20, 2:29 PM, "Rob Wilton (rwilton)" <rwil...@cisco.com> 

                [Resend to hopefully pass recipient limit filter]

                Hi Tom,

                I would be interested to hear from the original authors.

                My impression is that this is a technically reasonable change, 
but I don't think that an erratum can create a new revision of a YANG module.

                If this erratum was processed as "Hold for document update" 
then would that be sufficient to do the right thing in the MPLS YANG module?


                > -----Original Message-----
                > From: tom petch <ie...@btconnect.com>
                > Sent: 10 August 2020 17:32
                > To: RFC Errata System <rfc-edi...@rfc-editor.org>; 
lho...@nic.cz; Acee
                > Lindem (acee) <a...@cisco.com>; yingzhen...@huawei.com; 
                > Rob Wilton (rwilton) <rwil...@cisco.com>; joe...@bogus.com;
                > kent+i...@watsen.net; lber...@labn.net
                > Cc: ts...@juniper.net; netmod@ietf.org
                > Subject: Re: [netmod] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC8349 
                > From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of RFC 
Errata System
                > <rfc-edi...@rfc-editor.org>
                > Sent: 07 August 2020 16:45
                > <tp>
                > This is the erratum of whose arrival I speculated on this 
list on June
                > 16th.
                > There is a degree of urgency about it.  The I-D in question 
is mpls-base-
                > yang, currently in IETF Last Call, which is a Normative 
dependency of bfd-
                > yang which is a Normative dependency for a small mountain of 
I-D which
                > have been waiting a year or so (e.g.  ospf-yang).
                > I suspect that the technically perfect solution would involve 
                > union, choice or some such structure but as I said in my Last 
Call comment
                > I can live with a label that contains such as 'address' 
encompassing such
                > as 'label' in the context of forwarding.  I take labels to 
mean what
                > labels mean rather than what I might find in a work of 
                > Tom Petch
                > The following errata report has been submitted for RFC8349,
                > "A YANG Data Model for Routing Management (NMDA Version)".
                > --------------------------------------
                > You may review the report below and at:
                > --------------------------------------
                > Type: Technical
                > Reported by: Tarek Saad <ts...@juniper.net>
                > Section: 7
                > Original Text
                > -------------
                > The RPC "active-route" is used to retrieve the active route 
in a RIB.
                > RFC8349 defined two AFIs (v4/v6).
                > draft-ietf-mpls-base-yang is defining a new RIB AFI for MPLS 
as per
                > section 3 in RFC8349.
                > The RPC has a "MUST" statement that all RIBs must augment 
                > parameters with a leaf named 'destination-address'.
                > For MPLS RIB, it makes sense to augment with leaf named 
                > since MPLS routes are identified by MPLS label.
                > We ask to make the following change:
                > OLD:
                >            action active-route {
                >              description
                >                "Return the active RIB route that is used for 
                >                 destination address.
                >                 Address-family-specific modules MUST augment 
                >                 parameters with a leaf named 
                > Corrected Text
                > --------------
                > NEW:
                >            action active-route {
                >              description
                >                "Return the active RIB route that is used for 
                >                 destination address.
                >                 Address-family-specific modules MUST augment 
                >                 parameters with a suitable leaf that 
identifies the
                > route.";
                > Notes
                > -----
                > Instructions:
                > -------------
                > This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, 
                > use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or
                > rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party
                > can log in to change the status and edit the report, if 
                > --------------------------------------
                > RFC8349 (draft-ietf-netmod-rfc8022bis-11)
                > --------------------------------------
                > Title               : A YANG Data Model for Routing 
Management (NMDA
                > Version)
                > Publication Date    : March 2018
                > Author(s)           : L. Lhotka, A. Lindem, Y. Qu
                > Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
                > Source              : Network Modeling
                > Area                : Operations and Management
                > Stream              : IETF
                > Verifying Party     : IESG
                > _______________________________________________
                > netmod mailing list
                > netmod@ietf.org

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