
A couple of comments:

- As a co-author or YANG Module Tags, I'm thrilled to see it being used/augmented by this document, but I'm not clear on how the metric and operation type tags are to be used.  To me these seem to be best defined by the modules themselves, e.g., does a value represent an average /sum/min/max value or the scale of the value, and not as tag meta data.   Similarly, the type of vpn supported by a tunnel also seems like module data and not tag meta data, as this is a per tunnel instance value.

While the work was previously presented to the WG, I know you didn't have the time we all hoped for to discuss this at the last session, so I (personally, not as chair) would like to ask you to explain this on the list prior to adoption.  I'm hoping I'm just missing something, but from the discussion with Juergen an Andy I suspect not.

- Since this work is derived from work that I contributed to, I'd be interested in hearing what new mechanism(s) is/are covered by the IPR disclosure prior to supporting WG adoption.  I'm not asking in order to debate this, as that is something for other venues, I'm merely asking that you state for the record what new mechanism is covered.

Thank you


(as WG contributor and co-author of draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags)

On 8/17/2020 6:05 PM, Kent Watsen wrote:
This email begins a 2-week adoption poll for:


Please voice your support or objections on list before August 31.

   1)  -03 was presented during the 108 session, hence the I-D has been updated twice since then.
   2) Please be aware that IPR has been filed for this I-D:

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