In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 13 May 2008 Paul Vigay wrote:
>> I know what would be good....
>> When you click 'back' on NetSurf, it could keep any data entered into
>> forms. There are numerous times when I complete a lengthy form and click
>> submit, only to find that I've mistyped the captcha or some other error has
>> occurred, and the site solution is to click back and complete the missing
>> fields - which mean you have to re-type the whole form again, which is a
>> pain if you've entered a lengthy comment.
>Yes that's very true. I've often resorted to typing a long comment 
>into Edit and then saving it into the form in case the submit fails. 
>This method is also easier in the case of forms that don't format 
>properly, so that you have a very small textarea.

Another bonus if using StrongED doing it that way is that StrongED has a
spell checker.

Not sure if Edit does.

Kev Wells
ICQ 238580561
Walk upon England's mountains green?

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