On Tue, 13 May 2008, Paul Vigay wrote:

I know what would be good....

When you click 'back' on NetSurf, it could keep any data entered into
forms. There are numerous times when I complete a lengthy form and click
submit, only to find that I've mistyped the captcha or some other error has
occurred, and the site solution is to click back and complete the missing
fields - which mean you have to re-type the whole form again, which is a
pain if you've entered a lengthy comment.

Increase the memory cache size to enhance the chances of clicking back retaining the form data. I suspect there's already a feature request for this feature.

The only (occasional) way around this is to adjust click on the submit
button to submit into a new window, but sometimes this doesn't work.

There shouldn't be any difference (other than adjust producing a new window). Please submit bug report(s) with details of sites that fail.


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