In article <>, Richard Porter
<> wrote:
> On 1 Feb 2009 Tim Hill wrote:

> > I have just noticed an oddity, even with the latest build. Please
> > will someone check that I'm not going mad and I haven't done
> > something inadvertent to the HTML in the extract here:
> >


> Yes, well I expect that all the white space between the </a> and the
> </font> has a lot to do with it. The resulting single space spills
> over onto the following line and then you get another newline for the
> next <li> tag. Get rid of the extraneous formatting of your html!


Formatting? Ah, yes it does display as it should if it's a mess.  ;-)

I thought browsers ignored white space and in no way thought that would
be the problem. Other browsers obviously must not translate white space
into an extra newline where none is needed. Sometimes Netsurf does.

I feel a bug report coming on.


Tim Hill,

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