In message <>
          Jim Nagel <> wrote:

>when typing a lengthy bit of text into one of those typically 
>annoyingly small panes on a web page, i have learnt the hard way over 
>the years to keep a copy of what i write, because too often a site 
>throws up some error when i click Submit and then i have had to type 
>it all over again.
>does Netsurf2 respond to the usual keyboard shortcut, Ctrl-A, to copy 
>all the text in a field?
>or do i still have to drag the mouse painfully from beginning to end 
>of the field?  i say painfully, because the action of scrolling in 
>that typically annoyingly small pane can lose the existing selection.

Why not write it first on  text editor and then drop the text from the
text editor into the form.

Kev Wells
ICQ 238580561
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

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