On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 11:36:43 +0100
Russell Hafter - Lists <rh.li...@phone.coop> wrote:

> > Writing NetSurf is fun. Where it runs doesn't really come
> > into it. It's a hobby.  
> Which, at the end of the day, means that anyone who uses it
> but does not or cannot contribute has to take it as it is.

Welcome to the world of open source! :)

> As an aside, I do now wonder if the reason that many RISC OS
> users may not have grasped just what is involved is that
> many of us probably were reasonably competent 15 to 20 years
> ago at producing decent programs in BASIC, COMAL or Pascal
> (say), but have no experience of the way programming tools
> and environments have changed since those days. If I think
> about it sensibly, I suspect that the changes have been
> enormous and that we would find it extremely difficult to
> get our heads around the intervening hanges.

C has been broadly the same for 20 years.  Compilers aren't that
different, debuggers like GDB haven't changed significantly in 15
years.  What has changed is that stuff is now generally easier.


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