On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 00:08 +0100, aw29...@gmail.com wrote:
> In message <1253105573.5804.236.ca...@duiker>
>           John-Mark Bell <j...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:

> > That doesn't solve the problem -- the RISC OS frontend has no active
> > maintainer. I've been taking sometime out and modifying the RISC OS
> > frontend for the last 2.5 years. I no longer have time to do that.
> You said "the RISC OS frontend has had almost no development for the 
> last 2.5 years". Now you're saying you've been modifying it for 2.5 
> years. 

These two statements are not incompatible. Given the tens of thousands
of lines of code I've written for NetSurf in the relevant timespan, the
odd change here and there to stop the RISC OS frontend from breaking as
a result of other changes is utterly insignificant. 

It also does not constitute development of the RISC OS frontend -- just
preserving the status quo. Things have now reached the stage where major
changes are beginning to be made to the rest of NetSurf that require
active maintenance of the frontends (and the time commitment that
implies). The RISC OS frontend does not have active maintenance, which
is the problem.

> Do you have time to do this or is something else more appealing 
> about the other platforms?

Why should I have to make time to do anything?

As I explained to you on Drobe some weeks ago, the amount of time I have
available for NetSurf will reduce somewhat in the future due to other
commitments. Therefore, I have to decide where the time I have available
for NetSurf is best spent and focus upon those things.

In practice, this means that I'll be focussing on the core engine. The
RISC OS frontend loses out and does not receive the minimal maintenance
it has had for the last 2.5 years. 

This has nothing to do with NetSurf's availability for other platforms
-- if the Amiga frontend (for example) was not maintained, we'd be
having the same discussion about that. Fortunately for Amiga 4 users,
Chris is very effective at fixing issues as they come to light.

I don't think that it's too much to ask that someone, or a group of
people, come forward and do the same for the RISC OS frontend. 


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