On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 09:45:16AM +0100, David J. Ruck wrote:
> Daniel Silverstone wrote:
>> That thunderbird only provides the former of those is a deficiency in your
>> chosen mail client and something that you will have to work around.  The
>> mailing list is configured correctly, rather than with concessions to 
>> inferior
>> software.
> I'd like to be using a superior RISC OS email client, but we only have a  
> choice of Thunderbird or Outlook here at work, which would you rather?

When that's your choice, then unfortunately you're stuck between a rock, a hard
place, and a nice easy slope down to a crocodile infested swamp :-(

I'd strongly recommend getting a *nix shell account somewhere, directing your
mail to that, and using mutt.  *Or* sorting out a virtual machine to run *nix
inside and run one of claws-mail, evolution or mutt.

It's unfortunate that I have no idea what Windows mail client there might be
which gives some semblance of a nod towards useful interoperability with the
rest of the world :-(



Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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