In message <>
          Jim Nagel <> wrote:

> nobody responded to my earlier posting (quoted below).  problem has
> come up again.  here are some smaller sample files:

>      Username:    archive
>      Password:   amusement

> not sure what's happening here at the password stage.  this file
> downloads now (unlike the 5M one below) but displays in Netsurf as
> goggledygoop text rather than as picture or zipfile icon.  note that
> it happens first-time-round only:  if you try again after having put
> the password in once, it does not ask the password again and behaves.

> is this a Netsurf problem or something to do with the email client
> that i use (MPro 5.13)?   --jim

> Jim Nagel  wrote on 6 May:

>> One of the Archive writers put a 5M zip file for me on his website and
>> emailed me the link, along with the username and password it requires.

>> When I click the link in the email (displayed by MPro), Netsurf (2.5)
>> fires up, opens a blank page and puts up the "site authentication"
>> dialogue asking username and password.  Then it spends ages apparently
>> fetching the file, then says "Processing document" with hourglass for
>> ages and finally crashes.

>> I tried loading Fresco and clicked the same link in the email. It
>> asked username and password, downloaded the file in 16 seconds and
>> popped up a savebox showing a zipfile.

>> As a workaround with Netsurf, I copied the link from the email into a
>> simple HTML page so I could *Shift*-click it.  That worked OK.
>> However, the progress box during the download showed peculiar
>> behaviour: the estimated time kept changing between between two rather
>> high values that proved meaningless.

>> Summary:  it seems Netsurf 2.5 (RiscOS 4.39) gets confused when an
>> emailed link involves authentication.  I filed a bug report with log.

>> Anybody experienced similar?

Seems to be a Netsurf 2.5 issue. As I reported on the Netsurf mailing 
list I see the same with 2.5 (refresh renders the jpeg as a picture) 
but not with development version r10487 26 April.


Anthony Hilton

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