On 25 Jan 2011 as I do recall,
          Martin Bazley  wrote:

> (The full save code really needs rewriting anyway, to organise things in
> a directory structure with original leafnames intact mimicking the
> structure of an actual website, simultaneously making it more
> user-friendly to browse and easier to transcode URLs for

I don't think that's actually possible:   WebsterXL used to try to do
just this, and the result was that you got all sorts of directories with
random image files in appearing *above* the 'full save' you thought
you'd created.   Unfortunately not all elements of a web page are
necessarily loaded from levels subsidiary to the actual HTML file.

I find Netsurf's approach - to rewrite the whole thing into a RISC OS
application structure and enclose an Inventory file listing the original
sources/names of the files - to be much more useful in practice, and
more elegant.

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from

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