The following bytes were arranged on 29 Jan 2011 by Harriet Bazley :

> Unfortunately not all elements of a web page are necessarily loaded
> from levels subsidiary to the actual HTML file.

Well, yeah, duh.

The structure I'd find useful would be something like this:

!Appname.!Run (Filer_Run <Appname$Dir>.www/example/org/uk.index/html)

That way, filename conversion would simply be a matter of replacing
"http://"; with "file:///<Appname$Dir>/", and relative URLs wouldn't need
changing at all.  This would have the advantage that relative URLs in
places not currently supported (e.g. CSS) could be much more easily
manually fixed, by simply downloading the pictures and placing them in
the correct directory.

I don't find NetSurf's current structure very useful at all - not just
because it makes it impossible to find anything, but because it makes it
almost impossible to correct it when things go wrong, such as the
problem mentioned in this thread!

Another benefit of the above structure would be that you could full-save
two different web pages on top of the same application.  (To this end,
an option to automatically convert URLs to the local structure,
regardless of whether it meets the criteria for downloading or not,
would be helpful.)

All the same, I get the distinct impression that the only way that would
ever happen would be if I implemented it myself.  (Which I would, if
NetSurf wasn't written in this mysterious indecipherable language called

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 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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