On 3 Oct 2011, Richard Porter  wrote:
> On 3 Oct 2011 Roger Darlington  wrote:

>> I have downloaded the latest test build r12932, and find that it
>> treats frames in an entirely different way to what it test builds did
>> less than 3 months ago.

>> Positioning the mouse pointer over any one frame and rotating the
>> scroll wheel used to scroll  only the frame that it was underneath it;
>> now it scrolls the whole caboodle, and reveals a previously unseen
>> blank frame at the bottom. (??)

>> It also scrolls (using the slider bars) much less smoothly, and rather
>> more jerkily.

>> I am looking at:

>> Wild Flowers     http://wildflowerfinder.org.uk/

> <wishlist> It would be nice if it scrolled the frame first, and then
> scrolled the whole frameset when you hit the top or bottom of the
> frame. </wishlist>

> Failing that, for this particular site I would prefer to be able to
> scroll the frame with the scroll wheel and use the right hand scroll
> bar for the whole caboodle. However, it's not a situation you come
> across very often these days.

I cannot see why it should scroll the whole caboodle at all, certainly 
scrolling it doesn't reveal anything of use to anyone.

I think the way Netsurf works with frames at the moment is definitely 
4 steps backwards to the way it used to work.

Firefox now fares much better in this regard, but Netsurf used to be 
much better than Firefox in this regard. Why? Because previously in 
Netsurf you did not even have to click in the frame to scroll it with 
the mouse wheel, merely hover the mouse over the selected frame. [With 
Firefox you had to click in the selected frame before it would scroll 
using the mouse wheel].

I will keep down-loading newer versions of Netsurf until I find one 
that works as well as did the version of just 3 months ago.


The only thing that moves is the wind.

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