On 17 Oct 2011 Brian Bailey  wrote:

> I ran the html file which was with the message, which appears as an
> attchment, in !Pluto, in NetSurf. The BMP file was also an attachment to
> the message. NetSurf tried to load the file. End of.

OK. But an html message or web page shouldn't contain BMP images. I 
expect that Internet Explorer might open them, but then it'll handle 
URLs containing backslashes. So the problem lies with whatever lump of 
shit (Outlook Express?) sent the message. I'm not surprised that 
NetSurf barfed at it.

Your correspondent could do with a little education too.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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