The following bytes were arranged on 14 Sep 2013 by Bernard Boase :

> Bugs reported in February 2013 (and earlier) seem to suggest that work
> has been done on making <textarea> handling more robust. So is my
> problem a known one, or one that is related to your mouse tracking
> code, or is it just my system experiencing some problem in keeping the
> window fully refreshed?


> Geminus

There's yer problem.

Tried disabling Geminus for NetSurf?

  __<^>__   "Did you know that polar bears stay white all year round? ...The
 / _   _ \  white colour makes them less visible to the seals and penguins
( ( |_| ) ) they hunt."  - Nelson Thornes AQA-endorsed GCSE science textbook
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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