Tony Moore, on 13 Nov, wrote:

> On 12 Nov 2013, Harriet Bazley <> wrote:
> > On 12 Nov 2013 as I do recall, Tony Moore  wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > > Harriet didn't say which version of NS she was using, and I assumed
> > > that she was talking about a change at
> > >
> >
> > I was, yes.
> >
> > > 'As of today' there is no build of NS yet, but NetSurf-gcc-json-1447,
> > > 11-Nov-2013 14:36 also displays the captcha. For the avoidance of
> > > doubt:
> > >
> > > The text captcha displays correctly here: RO 5.20, NS 1447, js
> > > disabled.
> >
> > I've just downloaded NS 1447 but am not seeing any captcha at all on
> > that page.   It reads "FanFiction Login with..." followed by various
> > social media icons, then "or" followed by three blank text entry icons -
> > which, from experiment, are email-address, password and required captcha
> > text - followed by a "login" button.
> shows what I see here.

NetSurfs 1.0 and 2.1 rendered the captcha here, #1447 doesn't.

David Pitt

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