Geoffrey Baxendale, on 4 Feb, wrote:

> Is it just me, or is Netsurf's sockets system awry. After a modest
> browsing session Internet access freezes up due,  I think,
>  to sockets being used up. Qitting Netsurf restores order. It seems to
>  have started about a couple of weeks ago. Not sure of the exact time.
> Risc Os 6.2 NS R1681. (JSoff)

The same thing happens here with #1694 on a Raspberry Pi, OS5.21 (31Jan14).

I have resurrected a Socket Counter application, !SockCtr, which dates back
to the time when Oregano2 managed to do a similar trick. It is a frontend to
David Ruck's SocketCount.

David Pitt

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