On 21 Sep 2014 Tony Moore  wrote:

> On 21 Sep 2014, Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:
>> On 20 Sep 2014 Tony Moore  wrote:
>>> On 20 Sep 2014, Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:
>>>> One really annoying feature of NetSurf (RO front end) is that it
>>>> won't let you paste text from an html file into the URL field. ...
>>> It _isn't_ necessary, when using StongED to view the HTML source.
>>> Press f8 to view the source, select the URL, press ctrl-shft-c to
>>> copy it to the clipboard, click in the NS URL field (or Open URL
>>> window), press ctrl-v to paste the URL. Perhaps I've misunderstood
>>> the problem?
>> The problem is that Copy saves the file type of the file you are
>> copying from to the clipboard, and Paste presents that file type to
>> the application you are pasting into. NetSurf doesn't accept plain
>> text pasted from a file that isn't type Text (fff). This restriction
>> seems to be as unnecessary as it is frustrating.

> As said above, here there is _no_ problem in pasting the URL from the
> clipboard (RO 6.20, NS 2107, SE 4.69). Which application are you using
> to view the NS HTML source?

Edit by default. I don't normally use StrongEd. I had a look at the 
StrongHelp for StrongEd and eventually found ctrl-shift-C and 
ctrl-shift-V, but it doesn't give any explanation of what they do. I 
assume it means copy/paste forcing type to text.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
Skype: minijem2                       mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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