On 28/04/17 10:51, Michael Drake wrote:

In any case, I can make it more robust by consulting the
external hotlist option before removing from the hotlist.

Actually it already does that, so NetSurf shouldn't be saving
the hotlist when the hotlist is edited, when configured to
use an external hotlist manager, however, it will still
save the hotlist on exit.

We could change it not to save the hotlist on exit when
an external hotlist manager is used, since that would
be a simple change.

Adding support for querying the external hotlist about
whether it has a URL and removing URLs from external
requires more work, and would need a RISC OS developer.

If there are any developers interested in working on the
RISC OS front end, they would be most welcome.  None of
NetSurf's core developers use RISC OS, so we have trouble
maintaining and supporting it.


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