<in the future, all elections will re-elect Boaty McBoatface>.


... accompanied by the 'Smirky McSmirk Face'

that dominates all mainstream media analysis in the UK

On 16 October 2018 at 20:32, Ariston Theotocopulos <
ariston.theotocopu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is all true, you could add that the UK news media delights in
> spreading lies, it does it purely for the lulz.
> But... In 2016 only political lunatics had strong opinions one way or
> another on the EU, and nobody here thought that there would be any
> significant change whatever the result of the referendum - these two
> things together practically guaranteed a leave result.
> In retrospect, the real historic vote in 2016 was the vote for Boaty
> McBoatface, this was the template for the 2016 referendum, and the
> 2017 general election. Those people singing 'Oh Jeremy Corbyn' were
> not a cult (as the Guardian ludicrously claimed), they did it because
> it wound up all the right people.
> In the future, all elections will re-elect Boaty McBoatface.
> -Ariston
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 14:55, James Wallbank wrote:
> >
> > (1) The "United Kingdom" is not a nation state as Europe knows it. It's
> > actually a shrunken, dwarf empire.
> >
> > (2) Areas outside the Southeast (both the nations: Wales, Scotland and
> > Northern Ireland) the Regions (The Midlands, The North, The South West)
> > and the unrecognised nations (Cornwall, Mercia, Northumbria) are
> > effectively colonies under occupation by London. London has total, full
> > spectrum dominance over the national narrative.
> >
> > (3) Britain is suffering from a kind of post-imperial psychosis.
> >
> > (4) Britain is notable in being the only European nation to have failed
> > to rid itself of hereditary rulers. Of the 250 or so Dukes in Britain
> > (that's the highest level of the aristocracy outside royalty) around 180
> > of them still own the land that their ancestors owned just after the
> > Norman Conquest. That represents nearly 1000 years of occupation. They
> > will stop at NOTHING to retain their hidden power.
> >
> > (5) Britain's manifestly defective parliamentary system is really window
> > dressing, that conceals other centres of power.
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