At the end of a long decade of global austerity, that the 'c'
(lass) word should be so taboo on the left that it provokes accusations
of nostalgia at best, sexism and racism at worst, I find rather worrying
and sad. If one said 'occupational status,' 'income bracket,' or
whatever politically neutralising appellative the local national
statistical agency goes by, such knee-jerk reflexes would probably be
less common.  

But does politics mean belonging? 

For identity
politics champions, it really does seem to: their political reasoning
moves along lines of inclusion/exclusion, recognition/suppression,
voice/silence and, in its most pedestrian moments here, even

But can identity politics be inclusive of
those inherently ill-disposed to narcissism? 

More fundamentally, does
an understanding of politics as transformative action not clash with one
of it as a practice of belonging? And why does the latter dominate the
scene on left and right, just as hope in system change is at its lowest?

I do think that I, some self, alone, is ultimately incapable of
politics, as is the endless multiplication of selfsameness. 
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