
Ignoring the presence of intermediary (with own agenda) between the technology and its deployer/user, and calling the intermediary 'the technology', is the most dangerous aspect of present indoctrination.

We are slowly (or not so slowly) sliding back to the pre-Gutenberg era, where only the Church can produce and interpret books. Because printing, writing and reading is so complicated and inconvenient.

Somewhere along the line we as a culture have forgotten the distinction between
'technology' and 'services'.  A 'technology' is really just a method or system
for applying knowledge to a problem; any individual or business could choose to
implement (or commission, or lease, or purchase outright) that technology
independently and control it completely.  A 'service', on the other hand, might
use technology, but individuals and businesses who use such services do not own
or control that technology directly.

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