I do not disagree with this sentiment.  My argument is about technology versus 
services, not about whether technology is neutral (in general it is not).

Best wishes


On 11 July 2019 12:57:25 BST, "xDxD.vs.xDxD" <xdxd.vs.x...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Somewhere along the line we as a culture have forgotten the
>> between
>> 'technology' and 'services'.  A 'technology' is really just a method
>> system
>> for applying knowledge to a problem; any individual or business could
>> choose to
>> implement (or commission, or lease, or purchase outright) that
>> independently and control it completely.
>I don't know if I understood correctly, but this could be a very
>position indeed.
>Technology is far from neutral: we invent technology just as much as
>technology invents us.
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