Forwarded on behalf of Nina

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: "Nina Temporär" <>
Date: Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 3:59 AM
Subject: Aw: Re: <nettime> Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can
change it.
To: Molly Hankwitz <>

Hi Molly,

Thanks, I have a similar perspective ,  but wasnt allowed to post it on
nettime - unfortunately it seems that disallowing Andreas to disseminate
Standard sexist phrases like I Would probably have no other topics than
sexism, has put me on a watch list.

So, even if we have different opinions about JA, Would you mind forwarding
this? (see below, only that Part. ) Thanks!

I am esepecially concerned about this new regulation ruling out the big
names, as Ted and Felix explicitly came  up with it after I asked them for
help in relation to the onlist sexism and racism and  offlist Harrassment
by JA disciples (no big names) I was exposed to after critisizing JA. But
the current development is nothing I Would have endorsed - it doesnt heal
the racism of a Morlock Elloi, it only leads to the big names writing
privately somewhere Else, which is a pity. I mean, the amount of New people
writing here is great, but I dont see why both couldnt coexist.

Best N

My mail that didnt get through:

 I wasn't in favor of the priniciple of disallowing
the people who usually write here to continue with the same frequency. They
probably now simply discuss in private, elsewhere.

But I think it's great that so many "new" people are writing here.

Saying nettime would have lost its quality is an insult right into the face
of these people. And not even true. And sometimes phrasing new perceptions
needs a while - and is a courageous endeavour -
whereas following beaten paths of the discursive findings of paßt decades
might gleam with terminological perfection, but reveal at best only extra
layers of outdated truths.
Especially in the field of tech/media one should always be aware of this -
even more so, as not only the technology we are using is rapidly changing,
but also the brains of new generations suceeding
as recipients of these.

That said, I always did like the discourse the nettime Community was known
for, and I'd regard it as a loss if it was impossible for both to co-exist
here. But trying to artificially presevere only that one approach here
feels like calling for it to become an exhibit in the museum of natural
history, with its own display, boxed in under glass, and with its
protagontists guaranteed a part in the next sequel of "Night at the
Museum"... (although that'd be kinda cute).


Gesendet: Samstag, 29. Juni 2019 um 16:11 Uhr
Von: "carlo von lynX" <>
Betreff: Re: <nettime> Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can change
I'll keep it short as I've said it before some years ago…
I think the pro-active moderation was the whole specialty
of nettime, fostering high quality and inclusiveness. Since
you dropped that (possibly because it was too much work, so
I'm not blaming) the list slowly lost its focus just as all
the sociologic research I look into predicted… maybe Pit
can give it the original pitch back? Hugs from NK, C.

# distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
# <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
# collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
# more info:
# archive: contact:
# @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

> Gesendet: Samstag, 29. Juni 2019 um 22:23 Uhr
> Von: "Molly Hankwitz" <>
> An: "carlo von lynX" <>
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: <nettime> Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can
change it.
> Carlo and nettime!
> Thank you for this, Carlo. I could not agree more, the deliberate effort
> mods to put material that is provocative and worthy on the list...BUT, it
> may also be, and this is where mods could also help...that the great net
> debates have disappeared or died out. There are new debates, but who is
> framing them relative to networks.
> The question comes up more and more - where is the whole idea of networks
> that was once? Answer: sorry, social media has everyone blissed out on
> their own screen.
> The great debates that enlivened networks of the 90s, have become muddled
> to the point that "networks" per se don't seem to carry much weight online
> - now its the app, its the website - which don't always reflect a living
> community of net-users as we know...or maybe we are imagining networks
> differently than before and that does not help. Common interests which
> drove the formulation of networks and network 'flows' seem to have been
> replaced by something else. Who is the we of any network now...
> I don't know...that was my feeling when I read this. So, yes, we need the
> heavies, frame the debates so we can bat our own balls back and
> forth and to and fro on nettime.
> Molly
> On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 7:12 AM carlo von lynX <>
> wrote:
> > I'll keep it short as I've said it before some years ago…
> > I think the pro-active moderation was the whole specialty
> > of nettime, fostering high quality and inclusiveness. Since
> > you dropped that (possibly because it was too much work, so
> > I'm not blaming) the list slowly lost its focus just as all
> > the sociologic research I look into predicted… maybe Pit
> > can give it the original pitch back? Hugs from NK, C.
> >
> > #  distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
> > #  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> > #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> > #  more info:
> > #  archive: contact:
> > #  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:
> #  distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
> #  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
> #  more info:
> #  archive: contact:
> #  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:
#  distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
#  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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