Art, or "art," has become so ubiquitous it is a challenge to avoid it, like pervasive mania for science in the early 20th century succeeded religion as a must have, and political ideology a compulsory requirement of sclerotic intelligentialism. CBD-Tech art, digital or 3D crafting, or murderous weaponry, or viral disease, or viral SM, or viral stupefaction of dread of deathlessness and loss of income and tenure and benefits and openings and pharma and promotion of mordant careers, on nettime, where elseware, but just one of many sinks of despair, boredom, colorectal metastasis, repugnancies of Wei Wei and Met Roofings and shrieking come fuck me supertalls quivering with grinding tuned mass dampers escaping tie-downs, vast empty SHoP penthouses decorated with cruddiest of auction-wear for subsidized real estate photos in clamorous non-English brochures online, where elseware, anyware artlessness is everyware artfullness. Grab a stimulus paycheck dear workwareless entrepreneurs.

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