On 20/Sep/20 14:12, Molly Hankwitz wrote:
Dear Geert, Lev, nettime...ok, I take the bait...!!!

thanks Molly, et al...

Important point -- that the use of networked/digital communications tools was the core (or at least peripheral) for some 'digital' works -- most of them forgotten -- except in their power to facilitate human encounter and possibly sustained connection, and thus, life-change. But then again, communications, for a human, always begins and ends up analog.

Items/events/encounters/projects that jump to mind with unequal, though demonstrated life-changing effect for participants (self being one of those): waterwheel; Polar Circuit; ReLab; MUUMedia; radiostadt1; RAM; the NICE network; nettime; Open-X; aural degustation; SiTO/OTiS; soundcamp; world listening day; pixelache; beauty & the East; ADA; Bed-in for peace NZ; bricolabs; cafe9.net; radiophrenia; digitalchaos; dkfrf; world-wide-simultaneous-dance; what-are-we-eating; Port MIT; audioblast; ethernity; di-fusion 1&2; expand; gimokud; keyworx; kidsconnect; SolarCurcuit; various kunstradio projects; locussonus; meet-to-delete; microsound; migrating art academies; mute sounds; net.sauna; netarts machida; netbase; nomusic; placard; ANAT; overgaden sound festival; PNEK; TEKs; Atelier Nord; remote-tv; RIXC; send&receive; shareNY, et al; aporee::maps; superfactory; techno-shamanism; telejam; anatomix; telakka; thebox; virtualteams; visitorstudio; ... I could go on ...

Those folks in it (mostly) for personal gain, 'influence', and notoriety missed this potential for sustained human connection, and at career's end find themselves lonely -- "friended" but w/o any real friends -- all the folks tread-upon in the climb to 'fame' (what's a name?).

And, Lev, really, at least you were able to convert whatever it was into tenure, and a robust pension, unlike most folks! Good unless the state completely fails!


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
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