As I understand it, Lev Manovich set out to define New Media Art using
modernist criteria - notably the tautological gesture whereby the artwork
refers to its own components, or its so-called "conditions of possibility."

However, as Steve Kurtz, Molly Hankwitz and John Hopkins have pointed out,
most of the artists actually using computerized media, even back in those
heavily hyped days of the 1990s and the early 2000s when "New Media" was
promoted as a category, were interested in communication and interaction,
often around a theme or a specific situation. They wanted to put their
creativity, not into the shaping of the object, but into the co-creation of
the circuit or the field of interaction that the art helped link together
-- even though no individual and certainly no artwork could claim to
originate or control this milieu of interaction.

One of media philosopher Bernard Steigler's most important insights has
been that invention happens not in the subjective depths of an individual,
but in the open space of a milieu - that zone or wavelength where people
resonate with each other and something new emerges. The milieu is alive,
it's emergent, it's multiple, it's dispersed, and it's a world still barely
describable in the clumsy Western languages dominated by methodological

Is it any wonder that many of these interactive works don't look so great
in a museum? If they do look good, it's because they included a museum
component, which was often a strategic decision toward a powerful and
ubiquitous funding institution. Nonetheless, it's not a decision that
underlines their most important characteristic, which is to work in the
middle, between subjectivities. The art object had to look good in a museum
because no one in there could be counted on to realize what the media work
was really doing, what it was engaged with, where it was dissolving into

Is it any wonder, then, that many of the most innovative figures didn't
bother making work for the museum? A new gaze, a new vocabulary, a new set
of criteria for art were being developed somewhere else, in the milieu of
interaction. Certain museums and art spaces did follow, and gradually a new
gaze, a new language and new evaluative criteria have gradually taken form.

What's no wonder at all, though, is the sadness of old white guys who want
the world to fit into their definitions, their institutions, and their
pocketbooks. Modernist criteria served these sad old white guys very well
-- or very badly, depending on how you look at it. As our civilization
dies, our institutions are still celebrating the values, the taste and the
philosophy that are killing us.

I don't have a good read of Lev Manovich because I always got bored with
his books. Certainly he has a predilection for modernist vanguards that are
more about infinite differentiation than sheer tautology. What I never
spotted, however, was an interest in changing the root definition of what
art is and what it does -- and above all, where, how, with whom and why it
does what it does today.

best, Brian

On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 6:53 PM John Hopkins <> wrote:

> On 20/Sep/20 14:12, Molly Hankwitz wrote:
> > Dear Geert, Lev, nettime...ok, I take the bait...!!!
> thanks Molly, et al...
> Important point -- that the use of networked/digital communications tools
> was
> the core (or at least peripheral) for some 'digital' works -- most of them
> forgotten -- except in their power to facilitate human encounter and
> possibly
> sustained connection, and thus, life-change. But then again,
> communications, for
> a human, always begins and ends up analog.
> Items/events/encounters/projects that jump to mind with unequal, though
> demonstrated life-changing effect for participants (self being one of
> those):
> waterwheel; Polar Circuit; ReLab; MUUMedia; radiostadt1; RAM; the NICE
> network;
> nettime; Open-X; aural degustation; SiTO/OTiS; soundcamp; world listening
> day;
> pixelache; beauty & the East; ADA; Bed-in for peace NZ; bricolabs;
> radiophrenia; digitalchaos; dkfrf; world-wide-simultaneous-dance;
> what-are-we-eating; Port MIT; audioblast; ethernity; di-fusion 1&2;
> expand;
> gimokud; keyworx; kidsconnect; SolarCurcuit; various kunstradio projects;
> locussonus; meet-to-delete; microsound; migrating art academies; mute
> sounds;
> net.sauna; netarts machida; netbase; nomusic; placard; ANAT; overgaden
> sound
> festival; PNEK; TEKs; Atelier Nord; remote-tv; RIXC; send&receive;
> shareNY, et
> al; aporee::maps; superfactory; techno-shamanism; telejam; anatomix;
> telakka;
> thebox; virtualteams; visitorstudio;  ... I could go on ...
> Those folks in it (mostly) for personal gain, 'influence', and notoriety
> missed
> this potential for sustained human connection, and at career's end find
> themselves lonely -- "friended" but w/o any real friends -- all the folks
> tread-upon in the climb to 'fame' (what's a name?).
> And, Lev, really, at least you were able to convert whatever it was into
> tenure,
> and a robust pension, unlike most folks! Good unless the state completely
> fails!
> JH
> --
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
> subscribe to the neoscenes blog::
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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