> Le 16 janv. 2021 à 11:24, Dmytri Kleiner <d...@telekommunisten.net> a écrit :
> Judging China is not a part of his strategy, and should not be, because it's 
> a bad strategy. We should trust the Chinese workers to resolve their 
> contradictions, and focus on our own rather than allowing our elite to 
> propagandize into thinking they are our enemies.

My layman's understanding of Communism is that one of its essential markers is 
the collective ownership of the means of production. China's reversion to a 
market economy suggests that Communism in that country has for all intents and 
purposes failed.

For those (as myself) who consider Capitalism a dead end, trying to understand 
why Communism could not perdure in a country such as China (or the USSR, or the 
Eastern Bloc) is of interest.

Joseph Rabie.

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