I'd like to recommend China Neican to everyone interested in China

*China Neican is a newsletter by Yun Jiang and Adam Ni from the Australian
Centre on China in the World, and the China Policy Centre in Canberra. The
newsletter is also published as a weekly column
<https://www.thechinastory.org/keywords/neican/> on the China Story blog
<https://www.thechinastory.org/blog/>. The name Neican 内参  (“internal
reference”) comes from limited circulation reports only for the eyes of
high-ranking officials in China, dealing with topics deemed too sensitive
for public consumption. To receive regular updates, please subscribe
<https://neican.substack.com/subscribe>. You can find past issues here

*Folks, if you enjoy reading Neican then we’d appreciate it if you could
share it with your contacts. With your help, we hope to reach more readers
in 2021.*

*- Yun and Adam*


On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 7:54 PM <tbyfi...@panix.com> wrote:

> Yes please, and thank you, Geert. The endless navel-gazing of the WEIRD
> nations’ senescence is recursively dull. The point is not what do the usual
> suspects think about China (or whatever proxy you like), it’s whether they
> — we — can extend the nettime project. Not so it can absorb new milieus; if
> anything, so it can be absorbed by them.
> Cheers, Ted
> On Jan 20, 2021, 4:01 AM -0500, Geert Lovink , wrote:
> On 19 Jan 2021, at 9:52 pm, bronac ferran <bron...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The List needs a new Topic
> Bronac, I agree. This was a tense thread, but also a worthty enof the
> Trump er
> On a bright note, look at this video again: Trump rapping China, China,
> China:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDrfE9I8_hs
> In general it would be would for nettime to focus more on China :) Or
> let’s be more clear, to fellow Chinese critics, artists, coders, theorists,
> researchers and other dreamers. To get an understanding of the Party and
> its relation to the business elites is one, but can we still have a direct
> dialogue with people out there? Or how dialogues with Hong Kong? How are
> people coping there, after the great showdown of 2019-2020? How can we
> strenghten ties with critical forces in Taiwan?
> With Trump gone our own Chinese Question (and how to relate with the
> official forces there) will be even more important as the authoritian grip
> of the Xi regime is only further tightening. Will you except an invitation
> from a school or art institution in Shanghai? Will there be a cultural
> boycott of China soon? In whose interest owuld this be? Has Hong Kong
> already lost its status aparte for you?
> What else is there to discuss on nettime as the world moves on to Telegram
> and Signal? What to make of social media governance? I do not think this
> will get us anywhere... Internet as public infrastructure aka stack… yes.
> The clash of cultures and strategies in the (de)centralization debate are
> unresolved. Can federation scale? How to dismantle Google and Facebook?
> Ciao, Geert
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