On 5/11/06, Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And I repeat, here, running kde, all it does is tear down the network
and hang.  You can stop it, kill it, do anything you want, but the only
way to restore network function through ANY port, ethernet or wireless,
is a full, powerdown reset. A normal reboot will not do it.  Tested many

That seems odd, it might be an issue between NDISWrapper and NM but I
doubt it.    If you remove Network Manager does the problem go away?
Is this a Broadcom chipset card?

Thats as far as I've ever gotten with it.  No docs, no manpages or real
help has been offered, usually the reply is that 'it works for me'.
Here its well and trueky busted so why should I take a chance of its
trashing my hd or whatever else it might want to do next?

If that is the way you feel then continue using whatever tools you
prefer to manager your wireless networks and wait until NM is more
stable.  Network Manager is not required you can use whatever the
tools kde provides.  However I am willing to help you try
KNetworkManager if you want to experiment.

Before you read the below let me make this clear:  I have never used
an RPM based Distro like Fedora or SUSE so what I tell you could be
completely wrong.

I think you are running into a Distro issue and not a Network Manager
issue, I did a quick google search and I don't see any Fedora RPM's
for KNetworkManager (I found some for SUSE).  I suspect the reason for
this is that KNetworkManager was not ready for FC5's release and not
any deliberate snub on the part of the Fedora team.

However since you are not running Gnome nm-applet should not even be
starting so you should be able to just install KNetworkManager and be
good to go.
Stefan posted a link to KNetworkManager this list earlier so you can
use svn to checkout the latest snapshot.

Assuming you have svn installed you can grab it with:
svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/trunk/kdereview/knetworkmanager

Assuming you have all the required libraries you then do the standard
make install

all options.  I'm not convinced this interface does yet.  And darned
little of this is ever going to get tested as long as its hidden in an
svn repo someplace I don't have the address of.

This is not an issue of the Network Manager Dev's this is an issue
with your distro maintainers.  Maybe someone here who runs Fedora can
point you towards a testing repository that has it?

If you look at Ubuntu you will find a large number of Kubuntu users
happily using Network Manager under KDE with no large issues so I feel
confident saying that KDE and NetworkManager can work great together.
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