John Mahoney a écrit :
> I like python, but I only see it becoming a limitation once the system
> reaches an embedded device.  Python does not like to run on systems with 64
> megs or less.  If the final goal is to have a cli with the ability to run
> without even an x server then I see the embedded space a large target user
> space of this feature and writing it in c would be highly beneficial. 

Well, I guess both incarnations could exist? The one in a high-level
programming language serving as a proving ground for the one in C
(premature optimization..., etc., etc.)

> I am willing to help on this, but it is still unclear to me what people
> refer to as a cli.

I suspect most people just want something that looks like the good old
ifup/ifdown, /etc/init.d/network[ing] interface together with the
flexibility and ease of its text configuration files.



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