On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 11:45 -0600, Larry Finger wrote:
> On 12/09/2013 11:12 AM, Dan Williams wrote:
> > On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 16:27 +0100, Nathan Manzi wrote:
> >> I am new user of opensuse and i need a help on how to set up my wifi. I
> >> have  delete my windows operating systemand then i have installed opensuse
> >> 13.1 on it. Installation went well but when it comes for the settings of
> >> network manager. I have tried to use  yast for the settings but it says
> >> that my network is controlled by network manager and i tried to set up but
> >> i still have the problem interfaces is unavailable and i couldn't fix it.
> >> My laptop is hp pavillion and it is intel centrino 2 inside. I really don't
> >> know how to fix it.  I have run this command
> >> *hwinfo -- short --wlan  *
> >> I have found that i have  *Network: wlp2s0               Intel PRO/Wireless
> >> 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network connection *
> >> when running *uname -r      *i  got this   **
> >>
> >> But i do not see my interfaces such as eth0 or eth1 which seems to be weird
> >> for me .  When running *ifconfig -a*
> >> i got these interfaces *enp3s0* , *lo *and* wlp2s0 *
> >>   so i would like to have a help to fix this issues
> >> Thanks for helping me .
> >
> > Your network interfaces are not eth0 and eth1, but instead are enp3s0
> > (ethernet, pci bus 3, slot 0) and wlp2s0 (wireless, pci bus 2, slot 0).
> > The 'udev' program determines these names for you.  There are various
> > ways to get udev to use more "normal" device names, but those involve
> > editing configuration and are best asked on the udev  mailing lists
> > instead of NetworkManager's.
> >
> > So back to NetworkManager; do you see any kind of network control applet
> > in your desktop?  It's usually in the top-right or bottom-right corners
> > on a toolbar, or in a status area along stuff like the volume control.
> > If you click that network control applet, what do you see?
> Nathan,
> Dan Williams is extremely knowledgeable about NetworkManager, but I don't 
> think 
> he is an openSUSE user. Another place to get help, and a place where openSUSE 
> users are found, is at http://forums.opensuse.org/forum.php. You should 
> create 
> an account there, and post your question on the wireless forum.
> I would give you some more help here, but I would need to know what desktop 
> you 
> are using (KDE, Gnome, ??). That makes a difference on how you set the NM 
> parameters. The fact that you get a wireless device named wlp2s0 means that 
> you 
> are close.

Thanks for the offer Larry, your help here would be greatly appreciated
as I'm sure you know a lot more than I about openSUSE specifics.


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